Captain Marvel: Shock reveal changes EVERYTHING and explains biggest trailer mystery

October 18, 2018

Fans have always known how Captain Marvel got her powers, how human Carol Danvers was transformed into the most powerful hero in the entire universe.

Not any more.

Marvel has just rewritten the entire storyline which can only be setting up Annette Bening as a major hugely powerful character for the movie next Spring.

It also explains how Danvers is already in space at the start of the movie with Starforce.

Captain Marvel’s origin story has always been pretty consistent for 40 years. In the source comics, Danvers was with Kree hero Mar-vell when a sudden explosion fuses their powers and gives her extraordinary new abilities.

Since Jude Law is playing the hybrid Mar-vell/Walter Lawson it was expected their fusion would create Captain Marvel, but the early storyline synopsis and first trailer revealed that Mar-vell is alive and well and Captain Marvel already has her powers.

The current comicbook series The Life of Captain Marvel just made a massive change to the canonand revealed Danvers was already half-Kree.


In Issue 4, her mother drops the bombshell that she is not in fact human but Mari-Ell, a powerful Kree warrior.

She tells her stunned daughter: “You are Car-ell, daughter of Mari-ell, Captain First of the Supreme Protectorate, Champion of the Kree Empire, daughter of Hala by starlight and by bloodright.”

In typical Marvel fashion, the gobsmacked Carol (or Car-ell) replies: “This is crazy… you just made me pancakes…”

This means she does not need to fuse with Mar-vell since she already has Kree DNA receptive and primed to be transformed by the freak explosion.

It also adds even more significance to the role of her mother.

Bening’s involvement has been confirmed but not her vjaracter.

Playing a mighty Kree warrior would be the perfect fit for the award-winning star and give the character even more gravitas.

The Life of Captain Marvel Issue #4 is out now

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