Andrew Neil takes HUGE swipe at Bono as he HILARIOUSLY mocks state of Brexit talks

October 12, 2018

The BBC This Week host referenced the Tory “anger” in response to Prime Minister ’s controversial blueprint, which has been rejected by both Remainers Brexiteers.

Opening the programme, Mr Neil said: “The Corbynistas as positively cheering compared with Tory Brexiteers who grow glummer by the day as the Maybot concedes everything that they hold dear in the Brexit negotiations, escaping from the tyrannical customs union, ending the evil grip of Brussels rules, making warm beer compulsory and child labour optional.

“But there was a rare shaft of sunlight for them when this week U2’s Bono turned up in Brussels to declare, I quote, that ‘Europe is a thought that needs to become a feeling and I am in service of that’.

“I’m told David Davis is now sure Brexit is in the bag. Or is it? Because Tory anger at the deal the Maybot is cooking up runs deep.”

Millionaire rockstar Bono this week called on artists to celebrate the “romance” of Europe at a time when the value of the EU is being questioned in an apparent swipe at Brexit.

The U2 singer hailed the European institutions as both a “brain working to improve the lives of Europeans” and a “loudly beating heart” bringing them together.

Bono described the Brussels institutions as “a brain that is strategically working to improve the lives of Europeans, so we do largely live better lives than anyone else in the world”, as well as “a very big loudly beating heart”.

Mr Neil continued and said: “I understand that Jacob ’Banksy’ Mogg has a cunning plan to shred any agreement the moment she signs it.

“At least that would be the plan if Banksy Mogg knew what a shredder was.

“It’s going to take him a lot longer with a pair of scissors.”

The comments follow a warning from former Brexit Secretary David Davis who said the European Union could trap Britain in a backstop arrangement after Brexit, which would result in all of the upsides of leaving the Brussels bloc to “vanish”.

The EU has repeatedly said Britain must agree to a backstop arrangement in which Northern Ireland remains in a form of customs arrangement with the Republic of Ireland in the event that technology is not in place in time for Brexit.

But Brexiteer MP David Davis said he could not support an Irish backstop that does not have a legally binding end date.

Mrs May issued a stern warning to the EU in September – insisting the bloc would be making a “fundamental mistake” to think Britain will accept an arrangement that would “break up” the United Kingdom.

In June, the EU rejected Mrs May’s “backstop” customs system to avoid a hard Irish border, which could see Britain remain in a “temporary customs arrangement”.

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator said on Wednesday: ”I understand those checks are politically sensitive,” adding: “But Brexit was the UK’s choice – not the EU’s.”

The DUP has threatened to vote down the upcoming Budget if Mrs May pushes on with plans to accept a number of regulatory checks between Northern Ireland and Great Britain.

DUP officials are concerned that Mrs May’s latest backstop proposal would lead to a de facto customs border in the Irish Sea.

If they decide to take the same action on October 29’s Budget vote, the Prime Minister’s Government would be left clinging onto power.

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