Donald Trump MUST prepare for North Korean attack, warns top US navy veteran
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Donald Trump MUST prepare for North Korean attack, warns top US navy veteran

admin - Feb 11, 2017

[ad_1] Bloody despot Kim Jong-un poses a direct threat to America and something must be done before he “pops up at the worst time”, according to Admiral…

Britain's SHAME: Veterans 'fobbed off' by council sleep rough and attempt suicide
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Britain's SHAME: Veterans 'fobbed off' by council sleep rough and attempt suicide

admin - Feb 11, 2017

[ad_1] The Covenant, signed by every local authority, is supposed to give military heroes priority housing and health care – but not only are veterans being forced…

Was it worth it? Left-wing Scottish alliance vote against Brexit – but it’s MEANINGLESS
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Was it worth it? Left-wing Scottish alliance vote against Brexit – but it’s MEANINGLESS

admin - Feb 07, 2017

[ad_1] The meaningless vote in Holyrood was branded as an attempt by the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon “to manufacture a grievance out of nothing” to get another…

Former EU President Martin Schulz BLASTS Donald Trump for creating ‘un-American’ policies
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Former EU President Martin Schulz BLASTS Donald Trump for creating ‘un-American’ policies

admin - Feb 01, 2017

[ad_1] Martin Schulz, the former president of the European Union, issued a stern warning to the President and said if he replaced Angela Merkel to became chancellor…

The end of internet: Freak geophysical phenomenon threatens online blackout
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The end of internet: Freak geophysical phenomenon threatens online blackout

admin - Jan 30, 2017

[ad_1] THE planet’s magnetic poles are long overdue a switch when north becomes south and vice versa. And experts warn that we are extremely unprepared for the…

Asylum seekers say they are ’treated like animals’ in homes funded by taxpayer, MPs told
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Asylum seekers say they are ’treated like animals’ in homes funded by taxpayer, MPs told

admin - Jan 29, 2017

[ad_1] One asylum seeker said they were threatened with deportation by a housing provider employee when they suggested they may make a complaint about conditions in the…

BBC forced to APOLOGISE after radio host asks caller about his 'preferred suicide method’
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BBC forced to APOLOGISE after radio host asks caller about his 'preferred suicide method’

admin - Jan 29, 2017

[ad_1] BBC Radio Coventry and Warwickshire presenter Trish Adudu quizzed the guest after he admitted on air to repeatedly trying to take his own life.She said: “How…