North Korea ‘successfully’ launches BALLISTIC missile to increase NUCLEAR worries
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North Korea ‘successfully’ launches BALLISTIC missile to increase NUCLEAR worries

admin - Feb 13, 2017

[ad_1] In violation of United Nations resolutions, the hermit nation fired a medium to long range ballistic missile and according to state-run news agency KCNA, the weapon…

Half of French police 'back Front National' as Le Pen pledges to crackdown on street chaos
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Half of French police 'back Front National' as Le Pen pledges to crackdown on street chaos

admin - Feb 11, 2017

[ad_1] In an interview with France24, Le Pen's campaign director, David Rachline, said that Front National are the party of the police and safe streets.The 29-year-old politician, who…

FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE: Putin could hand whistleblower Snowden to US as a ‘gift’ to Trump
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FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE: Putin could hand whistleblower Snowden to US as a ‘gift’ to Trump

admin - Feb 11, 2017

[ad_1] US intelligence is believed to have uncovered Russian deliberations over the fugitive American, and claim handing over Snowden is one of a string of initiative to…

Mexican restuarant owner shocked after finding racist 'America first' note on receipt
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Mexican restuarant owner shocked after finding racist 'America first' note on receipt

admin - Feb 07, 2017

[ad_1] Fernando Franco, who runs Italian eatery, Di Frabo, said he was concerned and disappointed after finding the vile racist note. The restaurant owner, originally from Mexico City,…

Muslim majority country DEFENDS Donald Trump's travel ban
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Muslim majority country DEFENDS Donald Trump's travel ban

admin - Feb 02, 2017

[ad_1] President Trump has temporarily banned citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.But Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan – the UAE's Foreign Minister…

Married teacher faces jail for having sex with student, 13, after seducing him on snapchat
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Married teacher faces jail for having sex with student, 13, after seducing him on snapchat

admin - Feb 01, 2017

[ad_1] Amelia Tat, 27, pursued her underage student for two years until he was 15, using Instagram and Snapchat to express her love, according to the Toronto…

Arch-eurocrat Martin Schulz compares right-wing parties to Nazis
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Arch-eurocrat Martin Schulz compares right-wing parties to Nazis

admin - Jan 30, 2017

[ad_1] The leader of the Social Democrats, who is hoping to replace Angela Merkel as German Chancellor, made the comparisons while speaking from his Berlin headquarters.Both the…

Teen with rare skin condition FORCED out of school 'because pupils are TERRIFIED of her'
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Teen with rare skin condition FORCED out of school 'because pupils are TERRIFIED of her'

admin - Jan 29, 2017

[ad_1] The affliction is so severe she has to soak her body in water every hour and apply moisturiser every three hours to stop it drying out.Despite…

BREAKING: Emergency stay granted to those detained at US airports amid anti-Trump protests
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BREAKING: Emergency stay granted to those detained at US airports amid anti-Trump protests

admin - Jan 29, 2017

[ad_1] The federal court for the Eastern District of New York issued an emergency stay, temporarily allowing people who have landed in the US with valid visas…
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