Star Wars 9 leak: JJ Abrams 'REWRITING script' for THIS fan favourite character

August 24, 2018

The final movie in the epic triple trilogy has already started filming.

Not only does Episode IX need to bring the entire Skywalker saga to a close, it also needs to somehow restore more than balance to the Force. It also needs to restore balance and harmony to a fractured fan base, with a vocal group still unhappy about The Last Jedi.

So, is it a good sign that Star wars sites are reporting that director Abrams has been rewriting parts of the movie?

Apparently he has been focussing on two iconic characters.

The speculation increased after the first official pictures of Oscar Isaacs, John Boyega and Joonas Suotamo were just released.

More than a hundred differenct shots were released and Express Online has these , but unusually, JJ Abrams is not seen anywhere.

Is he busy rewriting the script or overseeing other scenes at the Pinewood and Cardington Sheds sets?

Star Wars News Net has the following to say about these rumoured rewrites.

The site said: “A reliable source has informed us that Joonas Suotamo, the actor who plays Chewbacca, had to recently cancel his appearance at Rose City Comic Con in September due to Episode IX rewrites.

“Something changed between June 15th and August 8th that caused the actor to have to cancel his commitment due to these rewrites

“I believe once the addition of Billy Dee Williams became official, a new scene or scenes between Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian were added to the Episode IX script. Both actors cancelled appearances at these ‘Con’ events during the same weeks in September.”

Fans are always happy to have more Chewbacca and it sounds like the Wookiee will be taking a more dramatic role following his expanded presence in the Solo movie.

Star Wars News Net added: “The source also provided some very surprising information about Chewbacca in regards to Episode IX. It turns out Joonas Suotamo actually filmed a lot of Chewbacca’s scenes for Episode IX toward the end of production on Solo: A Star Wars Story.

“This was pretty surprising to hear, and would mean the actor filmed scenes before the final draft of the script was completed.”

“It sounds like Suotamo didn’t plan on doing much filming for Episode IX during principal photography. He thought he was already done filming most – if not all of – his parts.”

Instead the star has been seen filming this week in Scotland with these new reports of additional scenes still to come with Billy Dee Williams.

It sounds like JJ Abrams really is determined to give fans more of what they want.


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